The White Latifa
Embark on a 6-day exploration of Self-Confidence and Will
The Latifa of Will


Cultivate a deep awareness of the present moment, the body, and the mind. Immerse yourself in the here and now through conscious movement, being in a sacred retreat container and enjoying rich nature.


Explore timeless meditation practices to quiet your mind, find inner calm, and enjoy mental clarity and focus.


Engage in introspective exercises to uncover hidden insights and connect to your inner compass.


Receive the profound and life-changing teachings of the DLT, a tradition that bridges the worlds of Eastern Mysticism and Western Psychology. Bringing together the best of science and spirituality.
The White Latifa is characterised by several profound qualities that deeply impact both the body and mind when it opens
  • Relaxation and Ease: When the White Latifa opens, it brings a deep sense of relaxation to the body and mind. This relaxation is accompanied by a feeling of ease, where everything seems to flow naturally without effort. The sense of expansion replaces tightness and defensiveness, allowing a person to drop their defences and feel more open and relaxed.
  • Groundedness and Solidity: This Latifa provides a strong sense of being grounded, with an anchoring sensation in the solar plexus or belly. This groundedness also leads to a feeling of being solid and immovable, like a rock or mountain. It reverses the usual flow of energy, bringing it downward and helping the body and mind relax.
  • Concreteness and Vividness: The White Latifa brings a sense of concreteness and clarity to the physical world. It sharpens perception, making everything seem very vivid, solid, and defined. This quality dispels the mind's tendency to romanticize or create dreamy, amorphous thoughts, replacing it with precision and beauty.
  • Innate Confidence and Ease: When the White Latifa is active, it instils a sense of confidence and trust in the natural flow of life. This confidence is not forced but arises from a deep feeling that everything is as it should be. It also brings a sense of ease, where one feels supported by all parts of oneself, reducing feelings of deficiency and uncertainty.
  • Purity and Non-Judgment: The White Latifa carries a sense of purity, as if one is being bathed in a cleansing light. It helps purify the mind from judgmental thoughts, allowing for clearer and more precise perception of reality, including an acceptance of both perfection and imperfection as part of the whole.
  • Spontaneity and Centeredness: This Latifa promotes spontaneous action that arises from a state of openness and total involvement. It is not impulsive but rather a natural response that engages the whole being. It also brings a deep sense of centeredness, where external disruptions do not disturb the inner calm.
  • Brilliancy: One of the most refined aspects of the White Latifa is brilliancy—a delicate yet dense substance that represents the essence of will and intelligence. Brilliancy manifests as a shining, dazzling light within the body, particularly in the head, spine, and pelvis, and is associated with clarity, sharpness, and subtlety.
  • Neutrality: The White Latifa has a neutral quality, which can bring about a sense of calm and balance. This neutrality can feel unfamiliar or even anxiety-inducing to those who are used to more dramatic emotional states, but it is essential for experiencing the deep peace and stillness of this aspect.
Location of the White Latifa
The White Latifa is located in the area between the navel and the diaphragm, specifically at the lunar plexus, which lies right above the stomach and beneath the sternum. This region, sometimes referred to as the solar plexus, is a centre of energy. Additionally, the White Latifa can be associated with the pelvis, the Hara, and sometimes extends to higher centres like the crown chakra.
The Effects of White Blockage
When the White Latifa is blocked, a lack of confidence manifests. This results in a pervasive sense of insecurity, anxiety, and worry. The individual becomes reliant on external validation to feel secure, often seeking affirmation from others or external circumstances to bolster their self-worth. This leads to a fragile, dependent sense of confidence that can easily be shaken by external factors.
Additionally, when disconnected from their true nature, a person might experience indecisiveness, uncertainty, and a constant need to manipulate their reality to feel secure. This often results in a rigid or fixed mindset, where they cling to certain beliefs or positions as a way to protect themselves from underlying insecurities. Ultimately, this disconnection from the ground of being causes an inner sense of instability and unease, making it difficult to trust in one's inherent resources and capabilities.
The Lataif Foundation Course at Mandali
Unveiling the Mind's Original Purity
The Yellow
Joy, Spontaneity and Curiosity
Connecting with Strength and Courage
Contacting Loving-kindness